Ponseti, F.J., Garcia-Mas, A., Cantallops, J., Vidal-Conti, J., "Diferencias de sexo respecto de la ansiedad asociada a la competición deportiva", "Retos. Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación", Volum 31, Pàgines 193-196, 2017. Article.
Garcia-Mas, A., Núñez, A., Ponseti, F. y Lara, M., "Ansiedad por el rendimiento y 'coping' en el ajedrez: un análisis exploratorio", "Enginy. Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs a Balears", Volum 20, Número 3, Pàgines 23-33, 2017. Article.
Bestard, C.V.; Cantallops, J.; Vidal-Conti, J., "The relationship between phsysical fitness and academic performance in adolescents from the Balearic Islands", "Journal of physical education and health", Volum 6, Número 9, Pàgines 19-25, 2017. Article.
Muntaner-Mas, A.; Vidal-Conti, J.; Cantallops, J.; Borràs, P.A.; Palou, P., "Obesity and physical activity patterns among Balearic Islands children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study", "JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT&EXERCICE", Volum 12, Número 2, Pàgines 333-348, 2017. Article.
Muntaner-Mas, A; Vidal-Conti, J; Sesé, A; Palou P, "Teaching skills, students' emotions, perceived control and academic achievement in university students: A SEM approach", "Teaching and Teacher Education", 2017. Article.
BORRAS, P; HERRERA, J, PONSETI, J, "Effects of crossfit lessons in physical education on the aerobic capacity of young students", "Journal of physical Education & health. Social perspective", Volum 6, Número 10, Pàgines 5-12, 2017. Article.
Alexandre Garcia-Mas; Antonio Núñez Prats: Francisco Javier Ponseti; Mariselva Lara Hernández, "Anxieti about perfomance and coping in chess: an exploratory analysis", "Enginy. Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs a Balears", Volum 3, Número 20, Pàgines 23-34, 2017. Article.
Muntaner-Mas, A; Vidal-Conti, J.; Cantallops, J.; Borràs, P.A.; Palou, P., "Obesity and physical activity patterns among Balearic Islands children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study.", "JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT&EXERCICE", Volum 12, Número 2, Pàgines 333-348, 2017. Article.
Muntaner-Mas A; Palou P, "Effects of high intensity interval training (hiit) intervention amongst school adolescents", "Journal of physical education and health", 2017. Article.
Gelabert-Carulla, J; Muntaner-Mas, A, "ESTRÉS ACADÉMICO Y EMOCIONES ACADÉMICAS EN ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS", "Revista Internacional de Aprendizaje en Educación Superior", 2017. Article.
Núñez, A. ; García-Mas, A., "Relación entre el Rendimiento y la Ansiedad en el deporte: una Revisión sistemática", "Retos. Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación", Número 32, Pàgines 173-178, 2017. Article.
Roberto Ruiz-Barquín; Aurelio Olmedilla; Pilar Fuster-Parra;Francisco Xavier Ponseti;Yuhua Luo; Alexandre Garcia-Mas, "Team Cooperation and Its Factors: A Confirmatory Analysis", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volum volume 10451, Pàgines 278-289, 2017. Article.
Naveiras, A., Ruiz, R., Cantón, E. y Garcia-Mas, A., "Efectividad de la intervención en coaching sobre la percepción de salud y bienestar psicológico en jóvenes atletas de rendimiento.", "Revista de Psicología del Deporte", 2017. Article.
Lameiras, J., Martins, B., Almeida, P. y Garcia-Mas, A., "Coaches' perceived leadership style and tendency to cooperate among athletes within competitive teams.", "Acción Psicológica", 2017. Article.
Cruz, J., Ponseti, F.X., Sampaio, M., Garcia-Mas, A., Núñez, A., Ponseti, F. X. y Lara, M. , Gamito, J.M., Marqués, A., Viñas. J., Borrueco, Carvalho, L.M. and García-Mas, A., "Effect of a Psychological training on football grassroot coaches upon young player's fairplay and disposition to cheat", "Revista de Psicología del Deporte", 2017. Article.
García-Mas, A., Rosado, A., Serpa, S., Marcolino, P. and Villalonga, T, "Content Analysis of the Agents of Change "Disposition to Change" after attending the Psytool Program", "Revista de Psicología del Deporte", 2017. Article.
Olmedilla, A., Rubio, V., Ortega, E. y Garcia-Mas, A., "Effectiveness of a stress management pilot program aimed at reducing the incidence of sports injuries in young football players.", "Physical Therapy In Sport", Número 24, Pàgines 53-59, 2017. Article.